Animation is a form of digital media that involves creating the illusion of motion and change by rapidly displaying a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. Animators use techniques such as hand-drawn, computer-generated, or stop-motion animation to create moving images, characters, and special effects. Animation is used in a wide range of applications, including films, television shows, video games, advertisements, educational videos, and more.
The art of animation requires a combination of technical and creative skills, including drawing, design, and storytelling. Whether you are an aspiring animator, filmmaker, or creative, a career in animation offers the opportunity to bring your imagination to life and create engaging and entertaining visual experiences for a global audience.
WSQ - 3D Modelling with Blender for Beginners
Dive into the world of 3D modelling with our comprehensive Blender course for beginners. Designed to provide you with a strong foundation, this course takes you through the essentials of Blender's interface, toolsets, and rendering capabilities. You'll learn how to craft realistic models, apply textures, and understand lighting, enabling you to create compelling 3D designs for various applications. Engage in hands-o....$700.00 (GST-exclusive)$763.00 (GST-inclusive) -
Blender Essential Training
Step into the captivating realm of 3D design with our in-depth Blender Essential Training. Tailored for both novices and seasoned professionals, this course takes you on a meticulous journey through the multifaceted functionalities of Blender. From basic navigation in 3D space, object manipulations like selecting, rotating, and scaling, to intricate processes like creating mesh primitives, subdivisions, and complex c....$300.00 (GST-exclusive)$327.00 (GST-inclusive) -
Unreal Engine Essential Training
Embark on a transformative journey with our Unreal Engine Essential Training. Begin with mastering the nuances of customizing the Unreal UI, setting the stage for your projects and crafting expansive landscapes that breathe life. As you progress, delve into assembling sophisticated scenes that merge the artistic prowess of materials and lights, accentuated by post-processing effects that add depth and realism. Witnes....$600.00 (GST-exclusive)$654.00 (GST-inclusive) -
Adobe Animate CC Training
Unlock the true potential of Adobe Animate CC with our structured training program. Start with the basics of setting up your project and workspace, followed by mastering the tools of the stage and pasteboard. Get proficient in importing and editing images, whether they are standalone or from Illustrator and Photoshop files. The course encompasses essential techniques like drawing, working with text, managing timeline....$300.00 (GST-exclusive)$327.00 (GST-inclusive)